Why is black so popular for components?

A current post about the looks of gear got me thinking. How did black become the most popular color for audiophile gear? I can see it being popular for home theater where the gear might be at the front of a room where you want it as dark as possible but black was the color of choice well before home theater. Maybe it is as simple as people just like it but if that were the case I would think it would also be the most popular in other consumer items such as motor vehicles.  I remember when I wasn’t always fortunate to have a dedicated stereo room and my wife would ask me why I purchased black equipment because she thought it was ugly and I agreed with her but usually, I had no choice.  For manufacturers offering additional colors may be costlier but I am willing to pay for it. Fortunately , some companies that I like offer silver usually in the face plates which works for me. Odyssey Audio has numerous color options available for their faceplates for a nominal fee but as far as I know they are an exception.  A lot of speaker manufacturers offer different colors which is great, especially if you have to place them in a communal space like a living room.  So in summary why did black become the color for stereo gear ? How many of you would prefer color options?

The color Black will hide a multitude of sins.
What does that mean? It's cheaper.
Owned my last black speaker or component.
Left with Walnut and silver.

Right on, chorus. We know black is cheap. We know black is "cool." Hofuckinghum. What black is NOT is visibly functional or relatably human. I don't envy Darth Vader's kit. Those who do are simply made of different stuff than we. 
If everything is the same color, it’s harder for my wife to figure out when I’ve added a new piece.
Black has to do with control, and we audiophiles want to control the sound so that it matches our personal taste.

I recall a few decades ago that the cheap electronics (e.g., Grand Prix, Emerson, Panasonic) came in various color combinations, some of which were attractive.  I wondered at the time why the truly hifi gear was so boring to look at.  To have colors and quality would have seemed to be the best of both worlds.  Right?

But, as others noted, boring is the point.  That is how you know the gear is for SERIOUS listeners, because it’s appearance is bland and doesn’t distract.  A lot of amps are boring up front — power button on a black wall, like my Parasound A21..  Yes, there are the McIntosh blue meters as well as on a few other quality pieces, but the overall look is to be black and boring.  If you want flashy, get a plastic box with knobs that fall off.

I do like the look of some of the pricey, showier equipment though.  I just wish it were within my budget.