I admired high end gear...
If i could afford it i will buy it ...
It is the only way to create new tech. and downsizing it at affordable price for the mass with the time passing ...
People dont hate high end , they reacted to the impossibility to buy it ...
But there is not only high end design for the S.Q. end goal in audio ; there is also plenty of contributing factors at low cost that will make shine a low cost system so much, as mine, that we can live very well with this minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold ...
Among these low cost factors there is the mechanical, electrical and acoustical working dimensions...
If i had not been blessed by a low income to begin with , i would have never experimented acoustics and learned other system embeddings controls homemade for more than a full year full time ... Never , it would have been easier to buy panels and called it job done with way costlier components ...
But my limited wallet dimensions were a benediction finally ...
Now even if it is not for sure at the level of high end , my audio system is so good that i almost pity most of those who can afford it more than i really envy ... I learned a lot with fun ... So is human nature between envy or pride ... 😊