Why isn’t more detail always better?

Is more detail always better if not unnaturally bright or fatiguing?


@noromance ...*?*

My UniversedXlator came back with "Duh?: Yammy=Yamaha, NS10=GP RR bike:?"...per the onboard wetware....

Rev&Repost? Pwease.... ;)

Good thought that detail is not only in the treble. Although that is where we think of it. But it is also in the midrange and bass. One of the biggest revelations to me was when changing to tubed amps the nuance of bass that I had never heard before..of course as well as in the midrange as a result of it being fully represented, 

Detail is at all frequencies. Dynamic range facilitates detail.

Most music occurs in the midrange including voice so detail there probably adds the most.

Interesting to consider most any decent speaker can cover midrange. Yet the results can vary so widely! How can one account for that? Detail including transients, frequency response, very low noise, dynamic range…… that’s it for me. Take out the detail and not much left. Isn’t 4K video resolution always better and always preferred? Just do it well! Who still wants a tv limited by technology from 20 or more years ago? Not me. Audio follows a similar pattern. Advancement in technology and applying it well is the key.

@noromance ...oh, had to switch dialects, alter the unconsciousness gain.....Now, if we wind down the ’noids and pump up the volume, dance, dance.....

"It’ll be aaaalllll rrriiiight....", no? *bedazed @ the fountain*

@mapman ;) Gotta’ watch that "technology from 20 or more years ago" rant, when we’re both really happy with one that’s 2.5x that.....

Best example of the single driver format, rotated 90, and stretch the cone....

Like any of the speaker designs we prefer and laud about to those still awake, there’s that tweak that makes it sing for us.

The 3 section cones of the F......the Heil amts’ rippled ribbon, don’t push/pull when you can pinch ( without getting slapped over it...;)....)....

The method is in the movements and how precise it can be in a given span...

The decay of the struck piano (harp) string....how close to what you’ve experienced before and tomorrow....does the percussion match the drive and dream of IRL....the keyboards with lines to enhance the other instruments, the vocals dodging or floating the lyricals.... *nirvana delayed only for now....*

Lots of variations on the themes of How about to about us to select the Way....including the paved perfection through the rocky path on cliffs’ edge to the Hermit   Audiosociopath...

We attend shows, visit B&Ms’, ’zines, sites, converse with other Seekers of the Improbable Infinity, Driven.

(*sigh* Long way to go to dump a pun....if only for groans... 😏 )

The entirety of the above was with this in the headphones....in loop.....bmb ;)