Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



Above Post erased not by me .... Truth is too much shocking....

A composer just wrote to thanks  me to dare  speaking the truth, and here someone erased my two posts above...

Thinking is "verboten"....Too socially disruptive like playing Mozart in a jail...Try it...It will cause a riot...





Perhaps Rick beato lesson will not be erased here by ignorance at the wheel..



So true, ESPECIALLY IF THE MUSIC CAN BE PLAYED AT 432Hz, which apparently can be done via Streaming, but so far as I know, not via vinyl or CD formats. I suggested the idea of a 440>432 interface to Paul McGowan a couple years ago, but it fell on deaf ears


But it is musician that must decide to use this frequency  or not.... Engineer can do nothing save "reproduce" what musician decide they will play...

And this is another question only musicians can decide anyway...




By the way it is not only some  " music that has lost his charms" , music for the crowds for sure, because the number of great artists  musicians has never been lowered; but cinema and popular movies for the crowds are more horrible than ever too , but the number of great movie makers has not declined ever , it is what the corporations control, the mass product which is atrocious and being made for low I.Q. people and made to lower our intelligence more...True artists are marginalized and pushed in a corner with less freedom  all over earth but especially where big business reign supreme... ....



Compare the more attractive mass movie of the beginning of the seventies with movies these years....

Compare the story line and the level of complexity in plot and cinematography...

A great work of art is also a riddle for the intelligence like an I.Q. test... Interpretation is part of art...


There exist then the same phenomenon than in music industry... More "popular" products reduced to be commercial junk product with no soul for no brain....

But the number of great artists is not less numerous but they dont have the visibility and the money to work better...

Big corporation power is death....More the technology progress less the art grows nowadays, it is not means nor in the obligation to be this way in civilization ...

Because technology is used by businessman who control the content not by artists first ...And the cult of technology is death anyway...

Music and cinema are not the only fields destroyed by big growing corporations owned by few and fewer people than ever in a less and less competitive world than ever ....

Guess which are the others human fields of life in society which are affected for the worst?

Politic, medecine and science itself....

Knowledge is not science and science is not technology ....


Stanley Kubrick will not be possible today, he will not be free to do his own art...He will be a slave to a movie business...He will kill himself because he was so talented... Who kill Orson Welles genius? Corporate powers...Nowadays they are more powerful because all united and controlled by very few men ...

Where is the human, poetical, philosophical content of most movies nowadays ?

In the trash bin...

Anyway the masses are no more guided by any ideals, religious or others...They listen and spoke only to a phone....

The destruction of education is the master work of big corporation, the higher education is mostly a taming of beast and a training of brain for big business...

I cannot imagine what Dostoievsky or Mark Twain will wrote today and who will read them ..