Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



Yes we must work a lot to discover new music...

But the number ofnew geniuses is astounding and growing ...

More than ever...

They are marginalized by the industries and by ignorant deaf crowds listening to their commercialized shit because uneducated by anyone ....


We must learn music, anyone saying the opposite is not only ignorant but musically dead...

Reacting passively to the same shit all our life is perhaps "entertaining" for some but pure conditioning implementation by corporations without even any working by our own consciousness...

Music is not only about nostalgia, but about awakening our spirit, emotionnaly to a higher level of perception...

It is "seeing" music like some perceive geometry or a movie...

Music contains so much holographic information than it make the heart beat out of your body at a higher rate...

Music is a dancing with or without the need for a body...

It is a seing with and/or without eyes....

It is a speaking with or/and without voices...

It is a color perception with or/and without any colors you already know...

Each cultural expression of music is like a new other planets to explore...

It is more than thrilling....

Then i am like most for sure,  i love to feel nostalgia for some old song of the years  50/60/70...

But if it is your only notion of what music is, you lack most of music information body...

And those who dont listen at least jazz and classical, if not all cultural expression of music are almost spiritually  deaf...


This is not my opinion it is the truth manifested through music complexities...

If you dont train yourself to understand complexities , they appear like a boring, confusing , headache, it is perhaps simpler to accuse other ofbeing  "snob" instead of acknowledging  our own limitation, acknoledging them and trying by listening experiments to "boldly go where no man has gone before"....

Music is not sound we already know only, it is a movie we have never seen or feel ever before...

It is a new planet, a new life, and a new understanding.... Nothing less...It is not a commercial  "tune" ONLY ....

Read me right i like very much popular music too...

I spend money on great musicians like Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen and many others...

But it is only a small part of music.... And popular music in China or India is not Popular music on the american Radio....

The only music i hate is commercially motivated music....





When i claimed music content is "holographic information", in my erased/censored post above, it is not a useless metaphor...

It is an exact mathematical metaphor...

Music is produced by man in a non commutaitve space... Music information is not Hertz only it is chords distributions in a dynamic non commutative space...

It is not my saying by the way, but the claims of one of the greatest mathematician on earth : Alain Connes... I posted a video above...


Above Post erased not by me .... Truth is too much shocking....

A composer just wrote to thanks  me to dare  speaking the truth, and here someone erased my two posts above...

Thinking is "verboten"....Too socially disruptive like playing Mozart in a jail...Try it...It will cause a riot...





Perhaps Rick beato lesson will not be erased here by ignorance at the wheel..



So true, ESPECIALLY IF THE MUSIC CAN BE PLAYED AT 432Hz, which apparently can be done via Streaming, but so far as I know, not via vinyl or CD formats. I suggested the idea of a 440>432 interface to Paul McGowan a couple years ago, but it fell on deaf ears