Why so many angry audiophiles?

Just wondering. Music is supposed to soothe the soul. If you are in reasonably good health for your age, have a good system and good music to play on it you have it pretty good it seems to me. These are blessings! Be thankful for what you got?

Just a thought.  That's how I see it.
"...we kinda all know this,..."

Well, we kinda all don't necessarily know this, ergo the existence of this very thread, don't you think?
What an outstanding post. Reading thru pg1 and getting warm and fuzzy thoughts up until the bottom of the page where where 'sojourn98' comments on audiophiles ensconced in their nice houses with their 5K systems. Then it happened, 'inna' had to smugly state 5K only buys a few good cables. That's how it starts...Forgetting that "One mans' floor is another mans' ceiling" (it's an old saying and not PC)((REALLY sick of that term too)). But I digress, seems 'inna' possesses an acute case of small mans' syndrome (see floor/ceiling metaphor above). Mom always said "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". It makes you look petty, not the least bit superior.
+1, AZbob.....I chalk the change in attitudes in the thread to the inhabitants dredging up their responses to Covid, the changes in the government, the hostility of the Capitol mob, the fears of where the nation is heading in response to all of the previous....

The earth seems to be moving beneath our feet and we don’t know where to tread and how to keep a balance in our lives.

The glass half-full or half-empty doesn’t seem to matter if the glass appears to be breaking...

Simple ’faith in the System’ and ’keeping on keeping on’ starts to look pointless and fruitless when nothing appears to be on track anymore.

Here’s a thought to contemplate from a resident cynical realist:
The American Dream needs to be refocused.
The Nation of Immigrants needs to grow up and accept itself.
We, The People, need to pay F’n attention and stop acting like it’s all for Your benefit alone. It’s not, nor ought to be.
Your taxes Are Not all that high; go look at those in Europe.
Large corporations have been hollowing us out and acting like we should congratulate them for doing so.
Vote, idiot. If you think it’s pointless, you’re making it so. Educate yourself about that person who wants to make the decisions that will make or break you, your neighbor, your city, your state, Your Country.
Stay home, and I’ll decide for you.
If that doesn’t freak you out, You’re Numb and have no right to complain about ANYTHING.
We spend more on pizza per capita then on a space program.
There’s a cloud of space trash about the planet that will soon make launching anything a crap shoot.
Forget Mars. Forget about a weather satellite for that matter.
A Tesla can outrun a Ferrari that it outweighs.
Take a clue from that, and dump that Porsche.

Every time y’all -------about cables, fuses, and that you just spent more $ on a new cart makes me either laugh or wonder just what is really valuable and important in your life.

And yet, some of you think I’m just some sort of weird troll.
Well.....I’m weird enough to not be like YOU.

To borrow a line from Frank Zappa, from awhile back:
"I’m not black, but sometimes I wish I wasn’t white.
Have a good day.