Good question Mattman . I've been buying some Anthem from my local dealer here in Calgary Alberta and asked the same questions. I prefer to pay a little more to support my local dealer and have worry free service than enjoy the considerable savings currently available on this site. It is well known that Sonic Frontiers was in finical trouble about 12 months ago and then sold part or all of the operation to Paridigm. They are both profitable, very I'm told, but the sale stock in the USA is still a mystery. This stock is certainly not available in Canada at the current advertised prices. There are 2 or 3 dealers on this site with low advertised prices so one starts to speculate that perhaps the US importer/distributor went bankrupt and the stock was bought up cheap. Or perhaps Sonics Frontiers sold off lots at low prices when in a cash crunch last year. There is one dealer with the logged name underwood wally who posts here from time to time who has some stock. Perhaps sir you could enlighten those of us and there are many to the real story. On a foot note I bought the new MCA 2 for temporary use in my 2 channel before it goes to the t.v. room and Im very, very impressed. It plays to a pair of paridigm studio 80s. Im currently listining to other amps for the final system and so far I've got to pay triple to make the upgrade worthwhile. My pre2 is on order. This is a poor man's sonic frontier 2 but again for the money you have to pay double in this case to improve. I was not overly impressed by the integrated 2. You can, for less, buy an Pre 2 and mca 2 and have better sound with lots more power 200w x 2 va. 80w x 2. then there room to upgrade I have heard the 2 back to back and that was my choice. Or better still buy the mca3 and when you upgrade to somthing better down the road you've got a great power supply for your front 3 channels in you home theatre, assuming you keep them seperate. cheers steve mca
why so much Anthem?
I'm curious as to why there seems to be a lot of Anthem products on the market. I've been thinking about buying an integrated amp for a while now and the Anthem integrateds are some that I have been considering. Are the dealers over stocked? Is there a problem with Anthem products? Just wondering...
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