Matt, if you are interested i "driving" Triangle "Titus", you can do it with any SET amps! Check on these new AudioAntiqueLab monoblocks. You wont need the pre-amp with them. Also, they have very nice integrated amp 8w triode, or 15w pentode! Regarding Anthem 1, you would be surprised, but that amp doesn't sound like the amp you would expect, from the tubes. I think, you would be better of, with Majik, as you intended to? Regards!
why so much Anthem?
I'm curious as to why there seems to be a lot of Anthem products on the market. I've been thinking about buying an integrated amp for a while now and the Anthem integrateds are some that I have been considering. Are the dealers over stocked? Is there a problem with Anthem products? Just wondering...
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