???Why The HUGE Discrepancy in Sensitivity Ratings???

I'm shortlisting speakers & have noticed a HUGE difference in the sensitivity ratings provided by manufacturers & what they actually measure.For example the Martin Logan Motion 35XT is specd at 92db.sens.@1 watt & yet actually measured at 87db!At least 4 different pair of speakers on my list are the same,specd at 90db or better @1 watt yet NONE measured better than 87db so what gives?
These last posts from timlub, erik_squires and bombaywalla should be carved in stone.

I have a website. I have a frequency response section. I come right out and tell everyone: if your stupid enough to believe these figures, I won't sell you a pair of speakers.
We've all been lied to for so long, we actually want to read it, and believe it.

A day will come, when we let our 'EARS' determine how good a speaker is, and not the shite a marketing department exhales. Don't get me started on 'reviewers', and there single minded endeavor (endeavour for us Canadians) to garner more advertising dollars. We're a long way away.

Listen to the speakers. If they don't put the performers in the room with you, cross them off your list. Marketing garbage.

I agree with nonoise.
Well  aww shucks!! No ones ever offered to carve my words in stone before. 

Im flattered.
