Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?

Having owned many good turntables in my audiophile life I am still wondering why not one of the modern designs of the last 20 years is able to beat the sound qualities of an EMT 927.
New designs may offer some advantages like multiple armboards, more than one motor or additional vibration measurements etc. but regarding the sound quality the EMT is unbeatable!
What is the real reason behind this as the machine is nearly 60 years old, including the pre-versions like the R-80?

Keep in mind this is a forum, where we all have opinions, likes and dislikes.  There are no 'absolutes' when it comes to ones tastes or preferences and there are no 'rights and wrongs' either.  

I used to own an large expensive McIntosh system.  It was wonderful, but then I found that vintage Sansui was more engaging, and more 'musical' to 'me'.  I have friends that think I am out of my mind, but it doesn't matter what they think. What matters is what I think, and what I enjoy. 

This is the same with anything we talk about here.  I can share my experiences and preferences with others, and they do likewise.  Thucan has found the EMT table to be superior to anything else he has listened to or owned.  I happened to agree with him as do many others.  And maybe he didn't use the best 'english grammar' to express that, but cut him some slack… He's native language is German, though he speaks fluent French, and English among others.

halcro is spot on however when it comes to Thucans credentials.  I am wondering if you  even realize what type of system he has? My statement 'using on the finest in electronics and source materials' couldn't be more accurate.

Finally, judging from your comments I am guessing that you have never listened to an EMT 927 turntable.  


Dear Terry 9, The logic can't say which statements are true or

false. The logic state that contradictory statemens can't be both

true and also that correct deduction can warant the truth if the

premise from which de deductions are made is  also true.

Your ''any statemets '' is as problematic as the quantor ''all'' without

any specification or limitation. BTW quantors are not names and

 have no reference .  Consider the statement ''someone has

stolen my car''. The clairvoyant person who knows whom this

''someone'' is will become rich in one week time. The insurance

companies will offer to him whatever he pleases.

Now regarding ''all turntables''. Both Thuchan and Dertonarm

are my friends. However Thuchan is rich and Dertonarm is not.

The coincidence is that Dertonarm just produced his APOLYT

TT. Impressive regarding its technical merits but also qua price.

Who would buy the APOLYT from my beloved Dertonarm if

this EMT is for, say, $10000 to get and  a priori the best?

So I expect an folow up from Thuchan with the title '' Why

wiil no other TT beat APOLYT?"

Norman, before I became an audiophile, I liked Sansui every thing. One friend had a Sansui tuner that was beautiful, and I liked it a lot. My best friend had Sansui speakers with that beautiful lattice front; and almost every Hi Fi store used Sansui tuners for background music.

As much as I liked Sansui at that time, I guess I didn't own any because I had too many other priorities; but I always found the sound to be very musical, in a low key kind of way; although the sound wasn't boring, it was relaxing, and I never tired of listening to Sansui gear.

I wonder how I would like vintage Sansui, compared to present gear that has been rated by "Stereophile"? My tube amp would be close to Sansui sound, but preamp is almost clinical. As I recall, Sansui was warm and engaging, with a sound that I couldn't tell you exactly why I liked it, but I never got tired of listening to it; maybe that's the same way the EMT 927 turntable affects people.

Enjoy the music.


I am 54 years old.  I was a professional musician for years and have been in this music/hi-fi hobby since the mid 70's.  Honestly, I am embarrassed when I think of all the money and systems that I used to own.

I started with Sansui and what is funny to me is that here I have come full circle… using and enjoying Sansui and music like never before.

I don't know what it is either,  It is just musical and engaging. No, it doesn't have the thunder of Krell or Mac and their is absolutely no 'snob' appeal whatsoever.  But since coming back to Sansui, I find that I listen longer, and nearly everyday.  For the first time in over 40 years, I find that I am not listening to my stereo, but just the music.  I am no longer analyzing and tweaking.  I don't even think about it.  To me, this is the best sound I have ever heard.

Thanks for your kind comment.  

Nandric, I was speaking of propositional logic, or truth table logic, which does not use quantifiers. I assume that is what you meant when you referred to "quantor". Prop logic applies to statements, which are sentences which are true or false, but not both, and reveals the interrelationships between them and their compounds.