Will China become the poor man’s dealer for high end audio?

With the insane prices now being asked for audio equipment from manufacturers around the globe is china going to fill in the gap between the haves and have-nots.? We are already seeing some signs of this with manufacturers like Jays Audio and Denafrips offering product-performance prices below global market value. The only thing I see holding them back is they will always be one leg behind the rest of the world since they copy most of the technology they use and world wide acceptance.


My biggest issue when buying anything from China is the level of trust in their products. Simply put, are their parts being used genuine parts from the original manufacturer or just labeled as: Capacitors, resistors and transformers.

My amps are Chinese. My DAC is Chinese. My cables are Chinese, at least most of them. Most of my accessories (footers etc) also are. My Audiolab transport is British but made in China.


I'm "poor". There is no way I could afford ANYTHING half decent from western brands. But I own a fantastic sounding system.

China is now becoming the worlds super power, respectively the USA is becoming a third world country by design unless it is stopped. Yes many of  their products are very good for the price

Canada became a dictatorship too... Guess why and how ?..

There is no reason rational or historical to judge creativty of countries from political standpoint...

Free countries are better for creativity yes, but there is varieties and level of freedom and varieties and levels of dictatorship...

Pick your flavor .... Suit your tastes and dreams..

Three of my dac are chinese, one is french... All are good and useful ...

My Akg K340 is german design ....

My 2 Sansui amplifier are from Japan...

My microzotl2 is American...

All are stupendous technology ...

I am an Earth  free spirit/soul  forcefully interned in Canada dictatorship not long ago by birth ... 😊😁 Conditioned by medias sold to the power and with no illusion on government right now...Guess why ?