Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?

Will my Creek 5350SE drive a pair of magnepan 1.6QRs? Room size is 25*12. If not could you recommend an amp for around $800-1000 to drive the maggies.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmwthorne
thin skin in this thread. Apology? come on you guys. Didactically, when you accept an apology: the "were you having a bad day" is uncalled for. from your other threads, you appear to be one angry guy...Tim, your comment was cool; and would need no apology from me...
When it gets personal... it always comes to a bad end. It is a downward spiral. Lets get back to judgementaless free expression, and learn to enjoy each other's differences.

Hint: consider your own attitue before judging what other's is. Especially in print, which is lacking the 80+% of communication that is non verbal.

I believe 'having a bad day' was taken for the humor intended (by the person it written to, hint, hint :-)
For about $800 you can get a CarverPro ZR1600 (digital) amp that puts out 600 watts/channel into 4 ohms, and is designed to work with 2 ohm loads. My MG 1.6 sound great with them, and others have had the same experience. I am sure the Spectron would also sound great but the price difference is absurd.
My dealer has the Bryston b-60/Maggie combo...used it would be in your price range...and very good bass response from the Bryston...
Point of order. You get bass response from the speaker drivers, not the amplifier. What you want from an amp is power sufficient for the drivers, but not such much to risk damage, and the minimal distortion. If it is low enough, like say ATI <0.005% over a 5hz-50khz frequency range, and the lower frequencies got onto the source material, then its up to your speakers to reach down that far and accuratly resond.