Shadorne, as you might guess I differ in my assessment of the purported success of Darwinism. Of course, jumping DNA doesn't work when there is no DNA to work with; there is not even close to a reasonable hypothesis of how DNA got here! The jumping DNA does nothing to resolve the problem of information and Origins. It's a sideshow, a distraction from admitting the failure of the theory.
I do not intend on drawing out my discussion of this; I respect your and Randy's positions. My primary point is as that made by dlcockrum, what does this have to do with Wilson Speakers? I find that often threads are hijacked for purposes of getting some licks in on one's ideological opponents.
I do not intend on drawing out my discussion of this; I respect your and Randy's positions. My primary point is as that made by dlcockrum, what does this have to do with Wilson Speakers? I find that often threads are hijacked for purposes of getting some licks in on one's ideological opponents.