Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

I submit even when members who previously owned Wilson's post negative comments, current Wilson owners are offended. "Prospective Buyers" should use their "own ears" no matter what speakers their purchasing. It really doesn't make a difference if I love them or dislike them!
I unfortunately see a lots of propensity for hate in this country. There just seems to be no lack of people flowing with hate through their veins.
Look at the result of the past election. Tragic!
The very high end expensive speakers engender a large amount of hateful post and badmouthing due to what appears to be due to envy and invidia. I wonder if this is universal in other countries as it is in the U.S.
Hate is ugly in all forms.
I believe that the word "hate" is used far too often to describe what is more accurately disagreement or difference of opinion. In the current environment any opposing perspective is so quickly  (and easily) deemed to be hate  (ful). 

I don't consider the result of the recent presendential election "tragic" and certainly not a sign or affirmation of hate.  Quite the contrary in my opinion. We have a very different perspective,  I don't hate you. In regard to the thread topic,  people can dislike Wilson and express this in some cases with passion.  It's over the top to refer to this as hate.
I believe that the word "hate" is used far too often to describe what is more accurately disagreement or difference of opinion. In the current environment any opposing perspective is so quickly  (and easily) deemed to be hate  (ful).
Well said Charles!

Independent of  Audio hobby, in this society there is a population of people who clearly are motivated by severe, diabolical hate and not by mere disagreement. Their hate is now yielded damage. Perhaps TV, Hollywood actors and social media are espousing and manipulating such bizarre behavior. In any rate, they are definitely exhibiting and motivated by raw HATE. 'Nuff said.