Wilsons are the best speakers in the world

I don't think so.
For some reason many electronics manufacturers use them for shows. Why is that? 
There is a pair of Marten Coltrane for $66.7k obo from the Netherlands, no need for $120k.
How do they sound? I have no idea and never heard them. They are Swedish, right?
Also, anyone heard big Gryphon speakers? Considering his amps, they should not be bad.
To answer your question, electronics manufacturers partner with Wilson because they think Wilsons will present their electronics in a positive light to many listeners, not all of them. I’m sure Wilson is only one of a number of speakers the electronics manufacturers would consider partnering with.

You dislike Wilson speakers. That doesn’t mean they are lousy speakers, it means you don’t like them. Everybody’s different and that’s good.

I don't dislike Wilsons, and if they were lousy speakers both Lamm and Ypsilon would pay zero attention to them.
Wilsons are popular speakers, and most buyers - I suspect- are not audiophiles but music lovers. They work for them just fine.