Would you even consider?

Would you consider the purchase of a now defunct name brand piece of equipment 7 or more years old available at multiple times the suggested retail price and is no longer supported by the out of business manufacturer?
Case in point Oppo, a well known and exellent product. It seems that quite a few are showing up for sale at price points way above the original selling price.
Why would anyone buy a product that is used, old, not supported and way overpriced?
Answer me this?
No.  I have owned a few Oppos and still have a 105D and 203.  I bought the last 203 of a dealer's stock (his demo unit) at about list price, when it normally would have been discounted, but I'm seeing the same unit listed for $1000 or more now. 

That's ridiculous and it looks like other companies have stepped into that space. 

What I liked about the older Oppo's (9X and 105X) was their streaming capabilities.  When I bought the 203 I had to get a Bluesound Node 2 and a Roku to replace what I lost moving "up" to the 203.  Both have a lot more streaming options than the Oppo did and in the case of the Bluesound the sound quality is as good if not better when connected to an external DAC.
Oppo does have a cult following. They are excellent products, even though some are getting long in the tooth. Agreed, prices have gone nuts
They do still support there products https://www.oppodigital.com/Support.aspx
I would not pay more for something like the Oppo when there are now better options for less money. Frankly any disc spinner is going to eventually fail if its already 7 years old then depending on the use its already old. Yes they did lots of great stuff but like one poster already mentioned its not hard to better it for less money.

Sony still makes a very good multi disc spinner it doesn’t have a DAC in it though. It outputs digital and HDMI only mine was $299 (well built too) add a great DAC maybe a Bluesound node 2 (for streaming) and your done with digital.
Very interesting responses. I agree with the majority of replies. It's difficult to justify the exorbitant price on a used defunct product. Only the buyer can determine the worth. For myself I will pass on such a risk. The void left by Oppo is already being filled at much more reasonable prices.