Yamaha M 5000

Rated at 100 wpc, Class ab I believe.  Is it a high current design?

How would you describe its sound in less than three words?

Lovely looking but how good an amp will it be in the long run?

Anybody using one with a tube preamp and which pre would that be?  How did you arrive at the pairing you chose?



I just checked the price. I’d strongly suggest you consider a Luxman integrated as a better alternative. They have a fantastic preamp section, and less expensive.

Goes without saying that at these prices I'm expecting you to listen first and make up your own mind. :)

It reviews as strong effortless 100 wpc.  All you can do is audition it for yourself to check the fit.  Good luck to you.


The Information you shared above is great. I have been reading all you shared here. In this you explained everything very well. If i want any further guideline we will contact you here https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/yamaha-gosloto-m-5000

How would you describe its sound in less than three words?

😞 Nothing special.