You know when you are dealing with a BS company....

...when you read statements like this:

"You can expect a 15% to 20% improvement in sound for each level as you move up the line. The improvements are in soundstage, resolution, realism, musical presentation, impact, etc."

Me: yeah, the humidity in my room changed from 44 to 45% yesterday, and I immidiately noticed that the realism dropped by 3.4%, yet the musical presentation actually WENT UP by 8.3%. I was able to compensate by turning the lights on in the kitchen and changed my socks. Puh, that was close.





...I’m still pondering ’garden hose speaker cables’....

Sounds like a Great Idea to this tyke....*eyebrows dance*

"Premium carbon fibre low mil tubing impregnated with virgin rubber lubricated by maidens of the Amazon in a means we shan’t share slyly....

Terminated with 1000% pure Unobtainium, the medium for the Message is Moonwater sourced by our fleet of drone saucers from Dark Side crevices jelled with micron level platinum dust.

We posit the sound will make you break into tears....

...and The Reign won’t seem too much to have for your own...

All we need to know is how many cm and how many."

*G* Not available as yet, but soon doubt. ;)

...coming to a netsite near everyone...







A statement which is made on the assumption that it will prove to be true.


I've guaranteed Nothing, Xcept 1gogoolplex% bs.

Fill in the blank.


I surmise that this whole OP started is when the marketing material used “numbers” that really bother some analytical person thinking “you can’t use numbers based on nothing”.  Really puts a bee in their bonnet.

The claimed sound improvement percentages should be multiplied or divided by the square root of negative one. That's probably somewhere in the fine print.

Frankly, if I don't trust their marketing, then I don't trust the company.  

BTW, you can test cables and correlate to sound quality.  What one cannot do is one test that tells you every thing.  

For example, a cable has an input and an output.  So the power you put in had better Match the power you get out as well as match the frequency spectrum.  It's not hard to measure mW or nW or uW, but no one does it.  It's a bit expensive to measure shielding effectiveness but no one does that either.  Both of these are big ticket sound destroyers, but I never see anyone advertising those numbers.  

With BS marketing hype, you don't have to worry about this factor: brand A cable holds the King Position with shielding effectiveness from 50 Hz to 50 MHz with a min of -40 dBm but now brand B cable comes out with shielding effectiveness to 52 dBm.  Oops, brand B is now the better cable, and brand A is somewhat obsolete.

And we didn't even mention power loss in the cable...