Your favorite OCC speaker cable

I've gotten good sound with my Analysis Plus Crystal Solo interconnects and may go for their speaker wire. But I like to wait for something used to come along, and it could be a long wait.

In the meantime, if there's a speaker wire with OCC that you've liked, I'd be curious to know what's worked for you.
PC Triple-C copper is what Yamaha uses in their A-S3200 and A-S2200 integrateds. They claim it sounds much better with that cabling.

All the best,
So it appears that the claims of super purification appear to be valid. At their time of release there were naysayers (even metallurgists) claiming that five and six nines copper could not actually be formulated at a non astronomical cost, and that the whole concept was all a big scam.
I am quite sold on the idea to keep on with the PC Triple C vs OCC Comparisons.
D.U.C.C is more difficult to source at a price that makes the initial investigations cost effective.
I have a D.U.C.C being returned to me this week it has been out on loan, and had a extended loan due to the COVID Restrictions on travel.
When this is returned I will reinstate a Dual Mono Volume Control Pre Amp' > Mono Block Power Amp's.
This set up will allow me to create the same trial conditions that produced the evidence that OFC was bettered by OCC in my system.
A Wire Type can be used as a Single Wire per channel and evaluated as a single channel.
The Channels can be closely balanced to see where the Centre is set.
With Different Wires in use there is rarely a equal setting on a VC Knob to produce a Centre Image.
The Wires can then be Matched Per Channel and assessed as a Single Channel only and then brought to a Stereo Setting with a Centre Image.
It don't take long to find a Cable that can offer a good impression using this method.
It will progress to be a exercise at all Interfaces with a IC Connection. 

To date the impressions being made are very good and in favour of
PC Triple C on my system.
The Tag Wires was an immediate Keeper experience.
The PC Triple C Power Chord has got me, I am keen to introduce this wire to all my devices.   
The recently introduced Din Plug PC Triple C Phono Cable in place of OCC Silver is immediate, the PC Triple C is a Keeper, the added dimension of perceived realism is very attractive.
The perception went from knowing a breath was being taken to visualising the Breath, from knowing there is a audience on a recording to perceiving the shape of the audience from the front to rear rows and into the stalls.

I like the idea that with the New PC Triple C Cables becoming available and the already owned OCC Cables a method might also be adopted where the different Wire is used at different interfaces allowing for a Tuning of the SQ to suit a preference.

The Stock of PC triple C in use and to be put into use, has now increased.
There is now a Head Shell Tag Wire, Din Plug Phono Cable with the same wire as the earth, Solid Core Speaker Cable,
20 AWG Stranded Wire, 18 AWG Stranded Wire Power Cable and a length of PC Triple C/EX Stranded Wire this one is costly.
@hide45, Glad you did not jump off. I am much interested in this thread. 
navships, have his wire throughout entire system, Best bang for the buck. and  very low priced, $50-$100, 
high tech aero space/navy wire