Your most indispensable "tweak"?

Trying to narrow my possibilities down... 
Most "tweaks" are branded ready made products ( most of the times costly) that are perceived like only " secondary" addition to the audio system itself...

But in fact the embeddings of an audio system with different low cost devices is the "primary" task, more important than even the difference between the choice of the different + or - equivalent basic electronic components themselves most of the times....A good amplifier, nevermind his brand, is relatively equal to another good one to begins with.....

The expression "tweaks" hide then the main audio problem:

How to embed an audio system...
There exist 3 embeddings dimensions: mechanical,electrical and acoustical....

No single "tweaks" can do this triple rightful embeddings, not even only one embedding can be completely solved by a single "tweak".... Never mind his price...

These Embeddings are concept, not an object, and come from a method of listenings experiments and experiences we must work with ourselves ....

Nevermind his price, you dont know your own audio system potential if it is NOT rightfully embed....


And NO ! upgrading to a new piece of so called new high tech electronic component is not the solution at all... Only hype and ignorance in action even if this is a better electronic component....It is however often a throwing of money in the wind of an elusive hi-fi top experience ...

We must begin by the beginning : what my actual audio system is capable of ?

After that you may be surprized by your own audio system and you may discover what i have discover myself, there is no comparison between before the rightful embeddings and after....

My rant is there to awake some beginners about the upgrading myth and illusions, others can laugh.....

My rant is there also for those who ridiculized all these "tweaks" for a bad reason in the name of their" science" obsession or in the name of the marketting blinders they put on their eyes....

I devise with cheap materials or very low cost one all the devices i use myself to accomodate and controls the 3 embeddings dimensions of my audio system, and the one i bought were low cost also...

Top Hi-Fi experience, contrary to most opinions here may cost peanuts if someone learn how to embed a good basic audio system.....

My best to all....

To answer the precise question of the OP :

No i dont have now only one "tweaks"  that is the king solution....I have many simple devices at peanuts cost yes that solve partially,  but in an very audible way, each one of the 3 embeddings problems...

Yeah, I guess it’s time to try and define the term "tweak." To me it’s a no cost or relatively inexpensive fix that can be done with little or no effort, using your own set of ears as a guide. Something like putting a set of tiptoes under your amp or moving your speakers a couple inches. In other words, to me it’s not installing a five figure set of interconnects or getting the ceiling raised in your listening room.
No one's going to say "divorce"?
great one!
And if she gets nothing, think of all the money and aggravation you"ll save.
On a related topic, when I see
"WAF" (wife acceptance factor)
in a post, I get a warm happy feeling.
And I thank my lucky stars, knowing this
will never ever be a consideration for me.

In sales, the best way to handle an objection 
is to eliminate it, up front.