Your most indispensable "tweak"?

Trying to narrow my possibilities down... 
Yeah, I guess it’s time to try and define the term "tweak." To me it’s a no cost or relatively inexpensive fix that can be done with little or no effort, using your own set of ears as a guide. Something like putting a set of tiptoes under your amp or moving your speakers a couple inches. In other words, to me it’s not installing a five figure set of interconnects or getting the ceiling raised in your listening room.
No one's going to say "divorce"?
great one!
And if she gets nothing, think of all the money and aggravation you"ll save.
On a related topic, when I see
"WAF" (wife acceptance factor)
in a post, I get a warm happy feeling.
And I thank my lucky stars, knowing this
will never ever be a consideration for me.

In sales, the best way to handle an objection 
is to eliminate it, up front.