Z-Squared Audio

Are these cables any good?
Obviously, all cables are system dependent. That said, in our highly transparent SET/horn system, we ran the gamut of the following interconnects:

Signal Cable Analog 2, DH Labs BL-1, Analysis Plus Solo Crystal, Audience AU24, Harmonic Tech III, Verastarr Silver Reference, Argent Audio Jaden Signature, and perhaps some others--I can't remember. The Z-Squared Au/Au are the most balanced, clear, and certainly revealing of the lot, with the Verastarr's a close second. The Z-Squared offer a little more in the low mid-bass than the Verastarr. Every other cable in its own way had the effect of distancing us from the music, or smoother over the sound--highs in particular.
So in my experience, yes, they are excellent.
I have the Copperhead ic's, and have been very impressed. I've tried several different ic's, and these are going to stay for a while.