Zu Omen Defs and Ice Amps?

Anyone have the opportunity to audition a pair of Zu Omen Definitions and a Class D or Ice Amp? The Zu's obviously don't need a lot of power so I'm thinking one of these newer digital amps might be a good fit. If so, please share the make/model of amp and your impressions. So far, I'm considering the King Rex, Trends, Dayton, and Topping amps but I'm sure I've left a few out that might be contenders. Thanks in advance.
"The lower DF of tubes makes it sound.....right......"

Probably an accurate statement.

High damping Class D amps may still sound good or better in some cases but I suspect these are in the minority. I would likley try it since I own good Class D amps but likely end up not going that way with the Zu's myself.

I picked up the TAD 125s as a complement to my Class D amps for my other system where I currently use more tube friendly speakers and may well end up trying others as well there down the road. The TAD has a lot of tube attributes however the bass is very well damped and controlled in comparison to many tube amp systems I have heard. The sound is more like what to me are the better sounding tube amp systems I have heard where it is not easy to determine a tube amp is being used by listening. A very high end VAC/Magico system I have heard comes to mind. I suspect only bigger and more expensive tube amps can drive those really well.
The total resistivity of the woofer panel / inductor is over 4 ohms....The ICE amp I use will yield a pretty high DF.

I'd be careful changing inductor Resistance since it will cause a change in driver balance and effect crossover point.

My DIY design is within 5% of the original inductor, aircore and 14ga. wire....Therefore NO current limiting and NO saturation.
The stock coil? 16ga. iron core......
I don't know about the Omen Defs, but Zu specifically recommends two different
class d amps on their website...

I used one of the two recommendations (Panasonic XR-25 and it was meh) but I did use the Virtue TWO.2 and it was not bad at all for the superflys.
I think everyone one of you audiophiles need to goto this link listed below and read from page 7 on about Virtue M5001. I have these mono amps and have upgraded the capacitors/tube/fuses on the Dodd Tube buffer. I change the sonicaps to euro oil caps, change the tubes to CV4035/M8137 and changed out the fuses to hiFi tunning fuses. With these upgrades, these amps play as good as my Lamm M1.2 ref. So all you Class D haters, goto this link and scroll down to page 7 and read. http://www.affordableaudio.org/aa2010-05.pdf
I don`t sense any hate for classD amps in this thread at all. People have heard or tried some and just prefer something else. If you`ve found an amp you love and it happens to be classD then feel fortunate, we all have different taste and priorities.