Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Come on guys, don't slow down. You guys got me started on single driver speakers. I started researching on single driver speakers and found the likes of AudioKinesis, GedLees, etc. The Tekton Uruz, AudioKinesis Jazz Modules and Zu Essence are of interest to me. Not that I have an itch to upgrade - but keeping these firms/models on my radar. The efficiency and accuracy, based on the comments interests me. I did not find many reviews on these 3 models. But it is a new area and I will keep searching - especially I have a passive preamp (TVC) in my system.
FRSDs with that big honkin' Parasound?!? (Just joking)
We're all too busy sitting around listening to music to post. Try to find a pair to listen to and you may find they work for you, too.
I have the Zu Omen and Tekton Katz Meow driven by a 2A3 SET. My review is that if you are in a small room the simplicity of single drivers makes it easy to get great sound in there. Certainly worth a try.
Maybe all the recent Tekton Lore buyers are too busy enjoying the music from their speakers to participate in the forum now.

I'm curious about their OB speaker designs. I keep missing out on the classified listings for them. Seems like as soon as they are listed members jump on them.

Also I think members here are keeping Tekton real busy. I sent them an e-mail some time ago inquiring about some older Tekton models and still haven't heard back.

The Tekton site has a pretty nice video on the front page now of a Lore speaker cabinet being made. Kind of reminds me of the Zu Audio video some time ago. Nice cinematic quality.
So looks like the Tektons are easy to fall in love. It is not that I do not spend time with my system. But because of the new baby, my listening time has cut down drastically. I setup my system again last week. Before that I used to simply surf the forums between the baby's naps. That was when, by some sheer chance that I came upon this thread.

I liked the Tektons because they look like simple design like my beloved Quads. Honestly I can easily upgrade my speakers at this point to a speaker in between $4K to $6K range. But my Quads are so awesome that I do not have an itch to upgrade. But knowledge is always important and I want to make sure that I do not miss on some good stuff.

The best thing that has happened to me is - my newborn is easily soothed when I rock him to sleep in the music room, with the music running in the background. I hope he too likes music as he grows - just like his older brother :-)