Zu Soul Superfly

I just ordered a pair of the new Zu speakers on a whim. I was going to wait for information, but the fact that they threw in the free superfly upgrades to the first 30 people got me.

From a similar thread it sounds like some of you guys have heard the speaker despite information only being released today. I'm wondering what you can share about it?

Also, I am really hoping it works with a Firstwatt F1 amplifier. Can anyone comment as to that? I know the Druid's and Essences worked OK.
Naggots, your experience has a lot to do with my desire to perhaps experiment with a used pair of Druids. I think I would probably go with the Omen's driver and see how things played out. One of the nice things about Zu's simple designs is that these changes can be made easily without worrying about crossover networks and other things.
I do not think tilting speakers is a kludge.

i have often tilted speakers if I felt that there was something in alignment that was not doing what I wanted with sound. chairs and peoples are at different heights -- why accept the heigt of speaker out of box?

Soul is tilted already -- who says it will be tilted right for you and your room?
Themadmilkman.. I agree any changes are simple. Even changing the resistor value to reportedly the best sounding tweeter resistors you can buy only costs $16 each......

I like the fact that I've played a part and taken ownership in these speakers too, they sound great due to the few hours work I put into them.......
Well, everything just changed. I will not be getting the Omens. I won the pair of bright green Superflys that Zu raffled off at RMAF.

I'll be picking them up on November 11. I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as I have them set up. They clash with everything I own, but who cares? Free speakers!