great musician's audio systems

A Naim dealer recently told me that Charlie Haden (bassist for Ornette Coleman in early 60's) had an all Naim rig with a Linn TT. I know for sure that Keith Richards and Ron Carter both own Tetra speakers (the manufacturer lets that be easily known). I have been curious if any of my fellow audiophiles might know what the audio systems of other great musicians were like. And if anyone knows of past musican's rigs (Pablo Casals, Jimi Hendrix, whatever) this should be a very interesting discussion indeed.
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Paul from Dave Letterman has Andras. I think the II's and Pass amp. Don't think he put much thought into it. Heard the system, it sounded good so he bought it.
Some people get lucky the first time around.
When employed at Wilson Audio in 1996, I had the pleasure of working with Lenny Kravitz on several occassion because he kept damaging tweeters in his WATT/Puppies. I believe he was using a Krell FPB-300 to drive them.
For years Lee Landesberg (of Landes Audio in Chester, NJ) claimed that Keith Jarret used his (Lee's) speaker designs. Lee no longer designs, builds his own speakers so I'm not sure what he uses.