Gas or Charcoal

Charcoal on a Weber for me.

I wonder if this preference has any correlation between the type of audio gear we listen to (Tubes- solid state and digital- analogue). Purest versus the practical.

FWIW... Although I use charcoal only, I don't have a turntable (yet).
If your tube equipment gets hot enough you can roast a chicken part right on a tube or transformer. I like to add a little lemon as a conductant.
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Gas for this fatboy! Tube amps, SS preamp.
Now we wait for that one cornhole who will say
"whats bbq got to do with audio?"
weber with lump charcoal...but there are two kinds of lump - the fast burning and slow. the slow burning coals are really good for smoking. I smoked a lake trout for 3 1/2 hrs a couple weeks ago and added a handful of coals only once!
And definitely no lighter fluid - you can buy those little chimney lighter thing-a-ma-jigs that work perfectly.
Now for audio...Tube Phono/Tube pre/Gainclone amp...vinyl for critical listening, computer based for casual...
so yes, there may be a correlation :)