Hobbies other than Audiophiliac?

What are your other hobbies besides being obsessed with audio gear and sound quality from your system? I can only juggle a few at a time, the priority being listening to music when I get the chance. Just curious what other people can manage to accomplish in their spare time other than obsess with audio gear and music.
Time travel, knitting with the guys at the weekly audio meets, and of course, cross dressing.

Well, if Slappy wont post anymore...
I collect potholes and used needles that wash up on the beach (I have a Bellushi, a Cobain, a Vicious, and one I swear is a Presley.) I also enjoy researching a cure for boredom.
Music, its collection and reproduction is a hobby and is not insulting to call it a hobby..........its sacred to those who create it, its a hobby for us who try to reproduce it as best we can.
audio izz ? but, if you truly "grok" what's on the stereo, then that can really lift you up and out of your rut. not in a rut you say? well, good, then i speak for myself. sometimes.
like what's for dinner tonite? nothing spectacular, that's for sure. i have no penchant for cooking, but i sure like eating.
so i guess making really outstanding food would be a wonderful hobby. that and really being able to understand what my computer is capable of doing. does anyone know of a good web site or book on the subject? and what about how to make gourmet dinners in 10 minutes or less?