Is it really the system?

It’s been going on for years now. One of these, two of those, another yadayada… and I’m done. But then you find out you aren’t quite done after all.

Not yet. Not quite…

Is it a slippery sound you chase? A finite exceptional tonality which continues to elude? Is your happiness continually percieved to be in a thing still on the horizon, and not yet in the nest?

Is there indeed a light at the end of the tunnel, or is it a train?

Why keep pressing onward if by so many accounts and your own, the current system’s presentation is great now?

Or in other words perhaps, Enthusiast, Audiophile, or Gear hound? Just where do you hang your hat?

Or have you indeed hung it up for good?
This question has been asked many times, and it is a profound one. If you are a 'hobbyist' or 'gear hound' you very well might be a materialist. Music is spiritual, and the matter associated with it (the laws of physics for example) is usurped into its inner meaning if it is indeed understood to be spiritual. If not, then it is just stuff. Art ain't that simple, and audio is about the delivery and appreciation of an artform: beauty is the goal.

Therefore, IMO, the issue is how we view our quest for the sublime, not the trails blazed along the way. If our view is an act of wonder and awe, then that is the experience we get. If it is just a hobby, then that is what we get.

I place my vote for the transcendental act of sound allowing me to glimpse that which is beyond my mind's capacities. However I have sympathy for the hobbyist to an alarming extent.

For now I am content. I’m 23, and will be going to grad school next year. I still want to travel and accomplish other goals in life. My humble Totem Arro speakers in my apartment dwelling satisfy all my inner urges for now. It allows me to focus and expand my knowledge of music—which in return allows me to expand my software collection. In five years time when I do have a career and the space, I will upgrade. For now I am in love with my system. Even when the time comes to upgrade, my Arro speakers will be put in a library or office setting.
Blindjim -- I enjoyed your audiophilic blank verse; the proper proportions of joy and frustration.
My feelings about our mutual obsession are similar to owning a beloved dog:
There is the constant feeding and the constant picking-up of poop. And the occasional visit to the Vet. But sometimes, just being in its presence makes you (or allows you to) smile. And sometimes spending a few minutes playing with it is enough to decompress your psyche and renew your spirit.
Religion,politics,baseball and audio related possibilities should be avoided at all costs until your face to face with rocket-launchers and machetes.Then,you can have an orderly,yet ambitious conversation on said topics.And usually a clear consensus after the service....YMMV,Bob
So long as my equipment has a potential for dying (before I do) then I really can't 'hang it up' but I sure can change my focus to truly more important things in my life. Music and some good beer!

Usblues, why would you ever want to shy away from uninformed discussions of religion, politics, basball and audio. If you always remain politically and socially correct how will you ever learn anything, especially about the 'value' of your own views if nothing else. Get out there, have some fun! :-)