Best next step to upgrade sound?


I just put together a home theater system with a mid-range Marantz AV Receiver, Marantz DVD player, and Infinity tower speakers. The sound is actually pretty good, I think. My question is: In terms of improving my 2 channel audio sound, what should my next upgrade be? Assuming that I am going to stick with the speakers for at least a little while, I am thinking that a Rega or Music Hall CD player would be a good step up for cd listening. Or should I consider a separate audio-only pre/pro? (Assume that the AVR receiver will stay because it's there for the video duties as well). Any advice in this area would be appreciated.
The best bang for your buck is powercords. This is probably one of the most overlooked areas in terms of upgrades but will yield significant improvement in sound.
Seriously? I'm guessing his current equipment has captured power cords.
Bob's suggestion for room treatments makes more sense to me. This is only true though if the wife approves.
I would think a dedicated CDP would be an improvement over your DVD player which has to do double duty. I own the Marantz SR 4500 which is a very fine receiver BUT it is still a reciever if you know what I mean. Adding a power amp would probably improve the sound but your are still going through the rec's pre-amp section. I'd add the CDP first and see how things sound. The right interconnect will make a hugh difference. I'd find a solid-core design which would mate well w/ the Marantz. Tara Labs Prism 33i/55 are both exc. AQ PSC copper IC's are good as well. Good Luck, Bill
Kotta, if I use the analog outs on a CDP, is the receiver pre-amp bypassed? (please forgive the newbie question, I want to make sure I understand this correctly).

And another general question if you will: Is it generally desirable to use an analog RCA interconnect from CDP to receiver? (vs. digital coax or optical?)

I am interested in the prospect of a decent CDP -- say, under $1000 -- because I am curious of just how much a difference I would be able to hear with a modest system.

As for the power amp Blindjim suggests, my speakers do have 2 sets of binding posts, so there is the option to bi-amp, as well. Therefore, I am giving the amplifier idea serious consideration as well.

Thanks again to all of you for the great feedback...
Also, Timrhu, Bob: Room treatments ain't gonna happen, the system is in our living room - no dedicated listening room yet.