Latest Stereophile - Recommended Components

I wonder if it's just me or have I missed something. I received the latest Stereophile that has the latest "Recommended Components" and it seemed like the number of amps listed is very short. In fact, there seems to be a heavy emphasis on listings for turntables and CD/DVD players and a number of speakers and that's about it.
The mag is OK to read for (some) entertainment value but they basically recommend just about everything they review.
Azmoon, I don't claim the magazines are the greatest, but there is a reason they recommend most of what they write about. They don't request equipment that is junk. They request the good stuff. Not everything they review is advertised within their magazine.
Azmoon: agreed - ok for entertainment value ( about on par with "UFO weekly"). It does provide one with model numbers of some equipment for further research.
Stereophile, Absolute Sound, some of the online reviewers like 6 Moons and others and offshore mags provide good places to start your search. I find what approaches consensus on here to be more helpful and broader in perspective in the end because you actually have to defend yourself. I would say that the "professional" reviewers are only slightly less biased than the folks that post on here - it turns out we all lead pretty sheltered lives!
You used to be able to purchase the "recommended components" list online, but I can't see where to do that anymore? If I wanted a list of recommended components from three years ago, how would I come by such a list?

To answer the original question - much like everyon else said: amps go out the door slower, so they are going to review less of them. I like the lists as fodder for discussion with friends and for sourcing some old equipment someone might have thought was particularly interesting for some reason many years ago. I make my own opinion after the purchase and keep or release as necessary.