Hi End rack really deliver?

OK I want to know if you feel using a high end rack really delivers legible sound improvement? I am trying to get the wife to buy into an "ugly" high end rack...vs "furnture". She is very skeptical but has agreed that if it really adds to the sound and can be heard she will maybe loosen up. I have never run my stuff on a good rack so I honestly dont know. I would be interested also if anyone is aware of any good racks that also look nice for the WAF....I am in Hawaii so I have to order it from the continental US proably anyway so I need to get it right from day 1.
Joe, The rack really only comes into play with a turntable. There seems to be as much hype in the rack biz as the cable game. As you become more familiar with the players you will notice many of the same parts, extrusions and spikes etc. When you see the same parts/pieces and the range of prices...
I second thre Adona reccomendation.Besides the good science behind them, the prices are very reasonable compared to the competition - and they look good.
I always felt that an audio rack was more of a convenience than anything else, until I bought my Billy Bags. All I can say is that the improvement was NOT subtle.
A dealer for Grand Prix Audio told me his technique to sell GP racks.

He let the customer hear a system with all gears on GP rack except CDP which sits on another high end rack. Then he moved the CDP from that rack to GP and let the customer decide. 10/10 times, customers heard an improvement.

I am a believer in vibration control since 20+ years ago, started out with big wood rack and Mod Squad tip toe. Now I use Grand Prix Audio Monaco thru out, just debating if I need to continue using Black Diamond Racing cones.
I cannot say about high end racks. But when I replaced my makeshift stand with a Salamander Designs 5.0 (cherry finish), the images stabilized and I heard a lot more clarity in the sound than I used to before. Note that I also have the Mega spikes installed on the stand instead of the regular feet caps that came with the stand. So you can say, I am a believer in the fact that good stands do make a difference.