Help w/Power Conditioning: Shunyata, Furman, RGPC?

I'm feeling totally lost with what direction to go with power conditioning in my system and am looking for some help. My system, briefly (click here for full info):

Dali MS4 Utopia Speakers
Pass INT-150 Integrated
Bel Canto DAC 3
Mac Mini
Shunyata Taipain Alpha and Cardas Golden Reference PCs
Purist speaker/ICs
Ridge USB cable

So far looking at the following units and trying to see what people think and what direction is a good way to go (looking at $1400 and under):

Shunyata 6 or 8 (specifically looking at diffs btwn these two, as wife likes 6)
Richard Gray Power Company pole pig + 600 (not much info on pole pig)
Furman Elite 15PF
Audio Magic Stealth Mini Reference
Any others??

Is there any way to get two dedicated lines? Either way, I recommend two power conditioners. One for your mac mini, screen and all "other" things and one for your amp and dac. You really want to separate the computer if you can.

As far as specific brands, I like BPT for value and Isoclean for top end performance.
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I have owned the furman elite 15pf and while very good for the money I would suggest the furman IT ref 15--dramatically better--you should be able to find one on the gon for less than 1400 any ? feel free to email --rich---I have a refIT 20 for my amps subs and speakers and xover and on the other side of the room a refIT15 for pre amp and cdp also have ref IT 15 upstairs for my HT system
thanks tvad, I'll def look into the Maher unit. Still hard to find anyone using the Richard Gray gear.

Lokie: any reason not to have the sac and computer on the same unit? I've heard about having the amp separate from the front end, but why have the sac and amp in same line? I'm going to find out how much it costs to have 20a lines run, but suspect in my building it will be costly, and I'm thinking of moving in 2 years.

So far no one has chimed in for shunyata--interesting