Power Conditioners Recommendations

Looking for some recommendations.
In your opinion / experience what would you say is a good deal / good value power conditioner for about $250 used?

I am looking at Adcom ACE-515 as the ceapest at about $70, Monster Power HTS 36000Mk2 for about $160 up to Furman PF Pro at $250.
Anything else?
I have a tube amp and CD player for a source

Chang Lightspeed. Its non-current limiting and there are several models and price ranges.
dedicated line for source and amp. Power conditioner or no power condioner, that's a good starting point. Your search for a power conditiner may just end at the outlet.

I also agree with tvad should you decide to go the PC route; that is, of course, after you installed your dedicated line. If you can only do one, I'd do the source.
There are two Audio Magic Mini Stealths for sale now. One is $300 and the other is $325. I have the mini digital version of this conditioner and it is very effective. Also, as has been mentioned, the new PS Audio duet it in your price range. I believe AA and Music Direct are both discounting the duet currently.
Ditto the right honorable Golden_Ears. and Tvad too. Most amps are better off plugged directly into the wall. For protection from lightening, get a Brick Wall. Or add a whole house surge suppressor at the panel. For front end kit, buy a used Monster HTS 3500 Mk II or 3600 Mk II. Leave the Ace in the hardware store. I use a 3500 in a mid-fi system in the dining room and it surprised me with the improvements it made running an old NAD integrated and a cheapie 5 disk CDP.
Currently there is a fellow audiogon lister/vender selling monster 3600MK II for $199.00 plus shipping. That's tough to beat. I have more expensive pieces, but I do own a 3600MK II and a 5000 MK II. They really work well. My more expensive pieces ar from PS and Audio Wedge which have been upgraded. Big difference in price between those bad boys and the monsters. Monsters are hard to hate!!