Dear Chris, The Serbian worriors already own or can buy an Kalashnikov for about $200. Those can be used for, uh, the radical 'isolation'. But the custom is to return the wife to her mother if not satisfy with, say,her cook capability.
As the passionate worriors the Serbians never missed any of the Balkans wars nor do they need any reason to start one (aka 'pure passion'). The result is an huge shortage
of young man while everybody like to have grandkids. So to get a son in law is a very difficult proposition. The logical or even more practical consequence is to offer dowry and other 'convenient' conditions to 'seduce' a young man to marry your daugther. One of those is of course the 'return warranty'. You can imagine the problems by parents with more than one daugther. So the Serbians also have the China paradox but much smaller qua extension. As you of course know no Chinese wants a daugther. Because of this fact the number of the Chinese population is not only a paradox but also an enigma.
But the Serbian case is more a look alike with the Spartan case. At some point in time just one worrior is left over.
My advice to you? You can ask her mother first if she still loves her daugther and than ask the right question.
As the passionate worriors the Serbians never missed any of the Balkans wars nor do they need any reason to start one (aka 'pure passion'). The result is an huge shortage
of young man while everybody like to have grandkids. So to get a son in law is a very difficult proposition. The logical or even more practical consequence is to offer dowry and other 'convenient' conditions to 'seduce' a young man to marry your daugther. One of those is of course the 'return warranty'. You can imagine the problems by parents with more than one daugther. So the Serbians also have the China paradox but much smaller qua extension. As you of course know no Chinese wants a daugther. Because of this fact the number of the Chinese population is not only a paradox but also an enigma.
But the Serbian case is more a look alike with the Spartan case. At some point in time just one worrior is left over.
My advice to you? You can ask her mother first if she still loves her daugther and than ask the right question.