Circuit City is Closing, Liquidating

I know most of us here on this site probably don't shop there, but what impact other than the obviously painful loss of jobs. How does this bode for the other stores? More and better sales?


If you look at the time line , decline in sales and the sudden drop in stock price, it all pivots around the firing of their sales professionals. Tom
Tom, I thought at one time, that the Magnolia in Best Buy might be a mistake, and given the sales people I have met, it still may be, but it certainly gives them the full range of product offerings.
I am sure you're right about CC losing after they let their top sales people go, or lost them, whatever. After all is said and done, great sales people make great sales, poor ones, well...

As to Best Buy wins, yes, but maybe too, some of the B&M stores, the mom and pop stores will be aided by this. I hope so.

The Magnolia in Best Buy here in Louisville is terrible. No one greets you or says HI or nods or gives you any feed back at all. If you gave them a moon shot over their heads they probably wouldn't notice that either. I have escorted my customers in to their store to show them products I could not supply and received no attention at all. Tom