Guitar's...what do the audionuts play?

I have a Larrivee LSV-11 and put a downpayment on a Paul Reed Smith Custom "24" with a burled "10" top(Emerald Green).
I have my '77 strat with EMG's that I've kept around since I was 15. It was really junk, but my mother bought it for me, so I can't get rid of it.
I'm using an '83 Mark IIC Boogie that I bought brand new.
32 year old Ovation Adamas One - the 30th production unit made, and a 1999 Parker Fly Deluxe.
I had an '89 Ovation Elite I bought new. I got tired of it sliding off my leg while not sounding anything like an acoustic through my amp.
seagull s-6 acoustic and fender '72 thinline tele reissue with tweed blues jr. amp
I have a Fender Standard Strat (red wine finish) with vintage noiseless P/U's, a Schecter C1+ with Duncan 59 at neck and Pearly Gates at the bridge that screams ZZ Lynyrd sounds all night. And a Dean acoustic yeah a Dean. I bought it for camping more. Never bought a nice acoustic yet. One day.
I just picked up a asat special(g and l)tribuite a pretty cool little axe,a lot of tonal variation.Looked at alot of fenders....but i think that this blows the 500.00 tele out of the water?