Fed Ex Ground Shipping Woes

I've had two situations over the past 3 months where FedEx has caused shipping damange. I have had zero prior issues with them in the last 4 years. They immediately rejected the claim on the first item (packed in the OEM Box with original packaging materials and cited "insufficient packaging."

I learned quickly and recently had a seller professionally package an amp that was being shipped to me. The professional packer used a double-boxing system with at least 4 inches of rigid foam and Styrofoam peanuts. Shippers typically require a minimum of 3 inches of insulation around the unit.

To make a long story short, FedEx managed to managle the outer shipping container, mangle the inner shipping container, and damage the unit.

I'm at a loss for words......

Has anybody had better luck with one of the other couriers or any tips? I thought that both the seller and I did everything humanly possible to ensure safe delivery.
I try to stay away from any ground shipping, more time and handling in the system.
I had a Fedex claim denied last year but stayed all over it until they finally paid in full. Go to a supervisor and never take NO for an answer. You paid for the insurance and that's what it is for. In my case, Fedex absolutely butchered the box, dropped it from about 10 storeys, and put a huge dent on the amp front face and knocked the transformer and RCA jacks loose at the solder joint. The person I bought the amp from packed it really poorly (threw it into a single layer box with a few peanuts so it could roll all around) and it was really his fault, but he denied responsibility and turned over the claim to me. But I filled out all the claim forms and probably spent 15 hours on it on the phone and email for a 220.00 claim. A pyrrhic victory at best.
its been my experience that fed ex air and fedex ground are 2 different levels of service as well. the shipper in any event is the insurer..not the receiver.
FedX Air scrapped a Krell amp of mine. They did pay up but it was a jacked up ordeal. Krell uses Ocean Air. They treated my new amp box like it was crystal. It costs more initially, but saves in the long run.
Good luck, John
I agree with Sns.

Stay completely away from Fedex ground especially, unless you're shipping something completely indestructible.

I prefer USPS for my shipping needs. I have never had a problem with them. (The only caveat being that they have a rather low maximum shipping weight.)

UPS is acceptable, barely, for heavier items, but they too hire gorillas to move their boxes, so double box everything.

My two cents worth.