1 piece of audio gear I really regret selling is..

My Audio Physics Virgo II speakers.
What the heck was I thinking?
mapman...that phillips was one very fine table...extremely underratedcool looking too.
mapman...that phillips was one very fine table...extremely underrated cool looking too.


Very underrated stylish, and cool looking. The tonearm looked cheap but the sound quality belied that.

I used to sell a ton of them at Tech HiFi. I think they cost under$200 if I remember correctly.

They were a bit more delicate than the japanese turntables that were mostly the rage back then but they were unmatched for the price as I recall.

I used to love operating that compact little baby with the floating suspension, strobed platter, touch sensor controls and the unique cueing mechanism!

Don't make'em like that anymore!
Post removed 

Yes, I recall that aspect of the 312 as well. I think that's what led me to sell it to a friend who needed a table for $100 as I recall.

I'd still love to have it back now though. My system and table is on ground level on solid concrete foundation and very solid and heavy solid oak table. Nothing can be heard no matter what movement or SPL level. I think the old Philips would like it there!