How is your power bill?

Recently I moved my equipment to our vacation home south of the border. On average the power bill ran about $12 per month. After setting up the three Krell Amps (fpb 350s and a KSA 150) to drive the Maggie 20.1s, etc. and, in addition to listening to music, starting watching nightly action movies through the system as well. The new power bill was almost $70.00!!

Thoughts? Your experience with this?
I find it interesting that someone can extrapolate a person's views, thoughts, political stance, environmental position & whatever else from an amp choice. Wow!
It seems to me thus far that Mr. Obama is to the presidency what Machina Dynamica is to audio. Hype with little substance that at best will prove useless and expensive and at worst harmful and expensive but still has a small, vocal, zealous following.

At some point it has to become Obama's presidency and not the labeling of every mistake or misstep made a "clean up" of the previous adminstation and Congress (they helped very much in getting us where we are). Perhaps some of the more enlightened forum members will tell us when the clock actually starts on the Obama presidency.

The vitriol directed at the Bush adminstration - which was not perfect - in no way ameliorates Mr. Obama's early displays of ignorance in economics, cabinet selection, & foreign policy but only serves as a smoke screen to deflect attention. The next adminstration I am sure will speak to "cleaning up" the Obama adminstration's policies with which they disagree much as the Bush administration had to steam clean the oval office hall to remove Clinton's "presidue" stains from the carpet.

Side rant:
"Green" is now a pop culture marketing word used to sell product that actually does nothing to improve the world as we know it - as in new improved green Viagra - 'it gives you wood' -- You get the idea.

Those proclaiming greenness are mostly hypocrites that still consume all they detest but with slight moderation and self righteous disgust.

There- I feel better.
I thought this was a power bill discussion? We would be far more productive if we kept the political bullshit out of this thread. Obama and Bush are inevitably 3rd rail topics, and any sensible person can find the flaws of both without a brain cramp.

And have ANY of us been persuaded to switch political allegiances by a post on Audiogon?

Didn't think so.

Politics indirectly or more recently very directly is affecting our power bills but you are more correct than not.

I am sure the moderators will step in and wrest control of the thread shortly before we come to blows.
I haven't noticed any recent change in my power bill. That's my wife's department and she guards it well.