Has anyone ever cried listening to your system

I have had quite a few people listen to my system and most are not moved. In fact a few said they liked their Bose set-up better. Well last week I had a buddy in town from Vegas and we listened to records all evening. When I put Eva Cassidy songbird on he starting weeping. Tears were coming down and I asked him if he was alright. He said he was so moved by the recording that he couldn't help crying.
Personally this has never happened to me. I wonder if other members have had the same experience.
Yes...not not because of the system, because of the music...one the almost always gets me is Un Bel di from Madama Butterfly...
I little over a year ago my mom was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor. Shortly after we got the news I was listening to Mindy Smith's "Just One Moment More" from her debut album and lost it. I still have to skip that song whenever I play the CD otherwise the water works begin.
I don't like music enough to cry over it but once I almost cried when I saw a puff of smoke come out of my power amp.
I often get watery eyes, goose bumps on my arms, and chills up my neck when listening to my stereo.

Actually, no one has shed a tear yet, but frequently my wife does have a strong emotional response to the music. Just last night she screamed from the bedroom to lower the volume so she can hear the television. Women!!