Has anyone ever cried listening to your system

I have had quite a few people listen to my system and most are not moved. In fact a few said they liked their Bose set-up better. Well last week I had a buddy in town from Vegas and we listened to records all evening. When I put Eva Cassidy songbird on he starting weeping. Tears were coming down and I asked him if he was alright. He said he was so moved by the recording that he couldn't help crying.
Personally this has never happened to me. I wonder if other members have had the same experience.
I don't like music enough to cry over it but once I almost cried when I saw a puff of smoke come out of my power amp.
I often get watery eyes, goose bumps on my arms, and chills up my neck when listening to my stereo.

Actually, no one has shed a tear yet, but frequently my wife does have a strong emotional response to the music. Just last night she screamed from the bedroom to lower the volume so she can hear the television. Women!!
She was a graduating art student from Hawaii and I was an awkward workstudy student at UC Santa Barbara's University Center's Art Gallery. We hit it off and dated for a few weeks but she was leaving for a Europe tour with her friends. It was young love and it was sweet with lots of laughter and fun. Our last evening we said good bye in a heavy misty night. She told me she couldn't get too close because of a recent sexual assault on her but she'd write. I got a few post cards and then silence . When I hear "You Got to Follow Your Road" by Hawaii's Sea Wind, I cry for what happened to her. I don't listen to the album but once in a blue moon. Lots of us have memories with our music as it's been a soundtrack of our lives. We can crack jokes about technical failures, absurd resources spent, but this hobby always came down to our humanity in one form or other. Oh, yeah, I get a lot of smiles (from ME) from my system too. Enjoy and live on my fellow listeners.
I have been brought to tears while listening to music, but it has been more a confluence of circumstances that initiated them. My general emotional condition along with a moving piece of music played through a well thought out sound system has brought me to a melancholy that resulted in tears maybe a half dozen times. Feels great although I am somewhat embarrassed when it happens. BTW usually it is a beautiful classical piece on the table or a recording of the final out of the 2004 World Series.