Has anyone ever cried listening to your system

I have had quite a few people listen to my system and most are not moved. In fact a few said they liked their Bose set-up better. Well last week I had a buddy in town from Vegas and we listened to records all evening. When I put Eva Cassidy songbird on he starting weeping. Tears were coming down and I asked him if he was alright. He said he was so moved by the recording that he couldn't help crying.
Personally this has never happened to me. I wonder if other members have had the same experience.
03-16-09: Rgd
not listening but a buddy of mine's eyes welled up when he pinched his finger under my 80 lb. amp.

My wife and I have cried many times.
For instance, my wife has cried when John Coltrane plays his solo on, "Flamenco Sketches".
As for myself, I have cried while listening to Billie Holiday, for example.
When I told my friend Terry, who is an audio consultant and retailer (and who, also, used to be the Viva distributor in the US) about crying to Billie Holiday, he said, "Well, OF COURSE you cried listening to Billie Holiday. You HAVE TO cry, when listening to Billie Holiday."
I wouldn't spend so much money on audio gear, if I was not capable of being so deeply moved by music. The goal of my system is to allow myself to be emotionally connected to the music that is played through it and to the artists playing that music, as much as possible.
Like Terry says, "When a jazz band's cookin', I want to be able to hear the smiles on their faces."
Nietzsche said, "Without music, life would be a mistake."
I agree.
Just the other night I thought I was going to cry while listening to "Countdown to extinction" and I was not quite prepared for this type of musical experience! Can someone recommend which tissues are best to use when wiping one's tears. I was gravitating towards Kleenex but was advised to use Scott, which supposedly is better with a tubed equipment.
Everyone's a comedian. I confess having been brought to tears many times listening to music on my system. Isn't that why we love music so much, because it touches us emotionally?
I would like to speak on behalf of all of us "comedians". It's all in fun and I don't think any harm was meant by anyone. When I listen to music, I am emotionally involved, it renews me on a spiritual level, but I guess, I just don't understand the crying thing. I listen to rock, jazz, classical, and blues, but have never come close to crying. When listening, I am usually smiling, totally involved, and do not want to be disturbed by anyone or anything. I guess I could see how one might cry while listening to Opera or something sad. Different strokes for different folks!