Has anyone ever cried listening to your system

I have had quite a few people listen to my system and most are not moved. In fact a few said they liked their Bose set-up better. Well last week I had a buddy in town from Vegas and we listened to records all evening. When I put Eva Cassidy songbird on he starting weeping. Tears were coming down and I asked him if he was alright. He said he was so moved by the recording that he couldn't help crying.
Personally this has never happened to me. I wonder if other members have had the same experience.
I suppose the "comedians" in this thread have never cried at a movie, either. For if they did, that would suggest that they have a greater emotional connection to the movies they watch.
Thus, for them, a tearjerker like Frank Capra's, "It's a Wonderful Life", would be more emotionally powerful that every piece of music ever recorded.
Actually Nietzschelover, now that you've mentioned it, I'll admit it, I did cry while watching Pee Wee's Big Adventure.
I guess I now realize that I am a bigger fan of movies than of song.


Nietzchelover, I would venture to say that most people on the planet have a greater emotional response to visual rather than auditory stimulus. I am one of the comedians and I have no problem stating that I have either shed a tear or held them back during an emnotional response to a movie. For me those emotional responses are linked to the human situation, such as love, forgiveness, sacrifice. That just doesn't happen when it comes to music, at least not for me!
Maybe because we're men and men aren't supposed to cry. That is, unless we're cutting onions. (O:
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