Baby name opinion....

Expecting a child, a baby girl. I have never been one for unusual names but one that I have never heard as a name has been nagging me as a consideration. ....Stereo..... Am I just getting used to the sound of a totally ridiculous and cruel first gift to her? Initially our friends just laughed but some are coming around with positive comments... Stereo....
Why do people even think of doing things like this?

Don't you realize that naming a child and naming a pet are very different things?

Can't you think of any better reason to name your child than the way the name makes YOU feel? Or the way it sounds to YOU?

Some reason that may actually have something to do with who SHE is?

That's right: It's not about you, it's about HER. (Hard as that may be to believe.)
Summer Phoenix named his son Indiana August. Frank Zappa's kids are Dweezil and Moon Unit.

And there are more:

How about the middle name, Channel?