Baby name opinion....

Expecting a child, a baby girl. I have never been one for unusual names but one that I have never heard as a name has been nagging me as a consideration. ....Stereo..... Am I just getting used to the sound of a totally ridiculous and cruel first gift to her? Initially our friends just laughed but some are coming around with positive comments... Stereo....
Of course you should name your daughter Stereo. Why wouldn't you. I mean, after all, itÂ’s about you and not your daughter - right?
the names lemonjello and orangejello are a part of the urban legend of many, many u.s. hosptals with maternity wards, esp. larger facilities/university hospitals.

consider lanugo or fontanel for a girl's name, meconium for a boy, though not audio related.

and start the future therapy fund asap ;-)
I knew a Candy Kane. I went to school with an Arabic kid whose name I can't remember how to spell but was pronounced: Fuckre Magrabe. In the same class with him was another kid named: Joe Conti. There used to be a teacher in my old High School named: Ephelia Dick.
I'm starting to feel like I'm in an episode of Beavis & Butthead.