Room size

Sorry if this has been discussed. How big is a large room? Medium size room? Size is always mentioned, but dimensions rarely given. My room is 14x21 with ceilings that go from 7 ft to a peak of 13 ft and back down to 7 ft. Is this considered a large or medium size room? Im considering going to a monitor speaker (Totem perhaps) and wonder if they will be fine or too small for a room this size. Thanks to all who reply.
IMHO, your room would be considered medium+, and I would consider a larger speaker.
Your room is medium sized.

A monitor will work well in that sized room. Small floorstanders will also work well. Large speakers will probably have an issue with the 14ft dimension, this is on the small end for biggish speakers.

Totem will work well, but if you want full range sound, you will need a sub of course.
My room is remarkably similar in size as yours. I consider it a major compromise in that it forces me to listen nearfield with the system under the higher ceiling height. My room is approximately 13X26 with a ceiling sloping from 14' down to 8'. I'd consider it a medium sized room. System is on the long wall. I've used both monitors and floorstanders in this room. Both can work very well, but I tend to prefer the fuller sound of floorstanders (currently using Coincident Super Eclipse III's). You need to consider the volume of the space as well, and I think this is why the larger speakers work better for me. I wouldn't go much bigger than a small to medium floorstander though. I also would be prepared to add some treatment based upon the actual room, contents, and system.
You will have no bass in a room that size with a Totem monitor, unless you go with the power-gobbling Mani 2 (which is really a doubled-up floorstander). I think you are going to have to have a sub if you want real bass, soundstaging, emotional impact, scale and image depth.

Properly mating the speaker to the room is the single most important step to getting great sound. If you screw that up, you'll spend the rest of your days swapping out amps and cables trying to fix the problem. I've seen it a hundred times.

My advice would be to get a floorstander that has -3dB at 40Hz or below. My room is only 14x13 and my speakers are rated at 38Hz at -3dB and I have +-5dB bass down to 16Hz, which covers pretty much all recordings. BUT, the openings in the room also play a big role. I have two open doorways in one of the back corners. If you have an open floor plan, then your bass requirements go up exponentially. If your room is totally enclosed when you listen, then you won't need nearly as much bass extension to achieve full-range sound.

If you go with a monitor, get an active sub and that way you can simply adjust its output to meet your needs.

Some people don't care about having full-range sound - having the bass chopped off is not a problem for them. Maybe you are one of those? Your tastes do matter because this is YOUR stereo. I personally feel bass is required to get the most out of music. Its presence is felt in many vital ways.
