How did you discover audiogon?

I was talking with a friend about how I got into the hobby and it started with a Stereophile magazine and then I saw an ad for audiogon. This got me thinking, how did you stumble onto audiogon?
I was at Yale a couple of years ago and a friend had a pair of Alon model 1 that he was looking to sell as he was going out west and his speakers wouldn't travel well. I went for a listen, he had a D-K amp and a Rega cd player. I had never heard anything like that in a home system in my life. He had me look up a review on A-Gon and it has been bookmarked since. The Alon's have brought me so much joy the last couple of years. What a great sounding speaker, it can run with the big dogs depending on what is upstream and the Black Orpheus cables (mandatory)
AudiogoN is not something I discovered. It has always been been here and is the soup from which all life emerged. Especially mine (audio wise, anyway).

That's a nice way of saying all my previous equipment was junk and AudiogoN put me on the good path by making good equipment obtainable. I recall it came up on an Google or Yahoo! search.

(This is quickly turning into a gathering of all the names I remember from when I first joined and haven't seen recently. Very nice!)
Around the turn of the century, when I was googling information on audio products, more than often an Audiogon entry from either sales, members' systems or reviews was bound to turn up. I found the discussions mostly included a wealth of information, arguments were matter of fact and the tone (well, in most cases) respectful. And, importantly, the discussions went in one direction at a time, not the continuous split-off of parallel universes at every stage and level of the replies "tree" that even Hugh Everett would have found confusing (please Audiogon, never ever change this).