What Printed Magazine do you prefer?

In times where every dollar is being counted, a dilemma is created. When Stereophile, Sound&Vision and Absolute Sound
come up for renewal all at once which one do you keep?
What is your favorite of these mentioned? Who offers the best Audio news and best reviews?
Ill add my vote for Hi-Fi Plus, although hearing here for the first time that Roy Gregory is now working for Nordost, in what capacity I have no idea, this may change my vote as he really is the main reason I like that magazine so much. I have recently allowed my subscriptions to The Absolute Sound, and Stereophile to lapse, just can't justify the expense in these uncertain economic times. The only other subscription I will be renewing, other than Hi-Fi+ is a small but excellent Canadian publication by the name of UHF.
Stereophile would be my choice. I have been an off and on subscriber since the early 90s, much better read back then, but still the one I prefer. In fact I will definitely not renew my AS subscription next time around.
Of course with all of this stuff pretty much on line I wonder why I get any of them.
Stereophile. Ten years ago it would have been TAS, but they have gone sadly downhill under RH's leadership (he is one of the better reviewers despite being a boring writer, but is in over his head as managing editor). A sad, sorry shadow of its former self as it has moved steadily in the direction of the old Fi, which I hated (YMMV). TAS increasingly resembles a book of advertorials. No rigor, no point of view, insufficient editorial integrity. Would you also like to hear what I don't like about it?
funny, you talk about economic times, yet HiFi+ is so expensive compared to the others.....they also lost Jason Hector, who's reviews I liked very much. Plus, they just don't review products that interest me.
I'd stick with stereophile, mainly for Art Dudley and Mikey Fremer. Sometimes they're a bit off, but I like to see what they're getting into.