I found this interesting but was unsure about the safety of disconnecting live IC's, even if muted. I used my balance control instead. I have my Kithara's facing straight ahead.
Well Thanks for this thread, it got me thinking and moving them around again. I think I have found a new position for them, with only slight toe-in. After I changed my preamp, I didn't try the speakers in different positions, I guess you should re-evaluate these things when you change one thing in your system?
I have Magnepan 20Rs which are 6' out from the front wall in a 16' wide L shaped and vaulted ceiling living room with 6' 6'' between them measured from their inside edges. My listening position is 13' back with an additional 6 feet to the rear wall. I have them toed in with a line from the speakers center crossing at my listening position. This works very will when I have the ribbon tweeters on the inside. With the speakers wswitched so the tweeters are on the outside I have to toe them in more to avoid a hole in the center. Curious with anyone else's experience with the best tweeter position ie inside or outside.
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